The Ups and Downs of Elul

I always have the best of intentions and plans for Elul.  Really I do.  I usually plan a new class or book to read on it.  I look forward to the month anticipating all the wonderful deep spiritual work I'm going to do. And then, it always seems like life happens. Elul is the season … Continue reading The Ups and Downs of Elul

Elul and the Great De-Beigification of 2019

The man who owned our house before us got a really great deal on some very drab beige paint.  I know this because there are still 5 gallon buckets of it in the basement and it covers all the walls, ceilings, and up until last week, even the crown moulding.  That beige is everywhere, making … Continue reading Elul and the Great De-Beigification of 2019